
Industrial Fans Blowers Manufacturer - Axial, Centrifugal


Industrial Fans/Blowers Manufacturer - Axial - Centrifugal

We have more than 100 years of experience in the construction of equipment for all kind of industries, including chemical and petro-chemical plants, power generation, paper, glass and many others. Our machines are manufactured with dedication and knowledge. With the use of the most modern technologies and materials, we apply our long experience to the execution of projects that satisfy exactly our client’s requirements. Our fans, installed in more than 50 countries, are designed for industrial environments and convey air or other fluids in all conditions: clean or dirty, hot or cold, abrasive, corrosive, full of particles, etc. “Quality and Service" is our slogan. From the moment we receive your order until the equipment is delivered, the quality is the most essential condition of all our proceedings.


Gruber Hermanos Industrial Fans Blowers Manufacturer

Tlfn: +34 94 499 13 00

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